Huracán Felix

Huracán Felix
Or should I say “Depresión Tropical Felix”?
It looks like we will be hit by Felix here in the Guatemala, and it even looks like the storm will pass directly over the capital. However, by the time it gets here it will be considerably weaker in terms of wind speed. If there are any problems in
Guatemala they will be related to flooding and mudslides, rather than wind.
We don’t expect any problems here in the capital, but if something happens, I will post on this blog as soon as possible.
Meanwhile, things here are going well. Max has started Kindergarten. Zoe’s vocabulary is rapidly growing. Kim and I are both extremely busy with our new jobs. Our new apartment is turning out to have been a really good decision. In short, things are good.
I have just finished a big project with work and have a little more free time, so I will try and get some pictures, videos, etc. online soon.