Zoe's Latest Words
All right...I know I haven't put anything up lately...I keep trying to put up some pictures and my slow internet connection keeps choking on them...very frustrating.
Anyway, thing here are fine. Zoe's birthday was last weekend. She is old enough now to understand the concept of presents, much to her delight.
Her latest words are "house" and "no". She says "no" in exactly the same way as her buddy Leyla, which is pretty darn cute.
Max is doing well with Kindergarten. His school is really close by and he has a very good friend/schoolmate that is a close neighbor also and is teaching him to swear like a sailor in Spanish. Kinda hard to police when he actually knows more cuss words than I do...
Kim and I are both working a lot, but things are going well.
And finally, the seemingly interminable rainy season seems to be finally winding down. I don't feel like I am very susceptible to weather induced depression...but 5 months of nearly daily rain is just about my limit.
I'm trying to get some pictures up, but it may need to wait until I can get someone from the phone company to come out to look at our phone wiring...